pagina met verwijzingen naar de websites van diverse organisaties

EC: Europese Commissie Eén van de drie wetgevende organen van de Unie. De Commissie bestaat uit Commissarissen uit de 28 landen van de Unie. De ambtenaren van de Commissie bereiden de regelgeving voor en leggen concepten ter bespreking voor aan de beide andere wetgevende organen. Transport regelgeving wordt voorbereid door het directoraat-generaal mobiliteit (DG-Move).
EP: Europees Parlement Eén van de drie wetgevende organen van de Unie. Het Parlement wordt gekozen door de burgers van de Lidstaten uit de Unie. De Commissie TRAN bespreekt de voorstellen op transport gebied.
Europese Raad - Raad van de Europese Unie Raad van Ministers Eén van de drie wetgevende organen van de Unie. De ministers uit de landen nemen deel aan de Raadsvergaderingen. Voor Transport bestaat er een transportraad, waar de Nederlandse transport minister aan deelneemt. Vergaderingen van de raden worden voorbereid door het Coreper (Comité Répresetante Permanente). De vergaderingen van het Coreper worden op hun beurt weer voorbereid door de Raadswerkgroep waar de verkeersattachés en experts uit Lidstaten de voorstellen bespreken..
ERA: Europees Agentschap voor spoorwegen Het spoorwegagentschap ERA is een uitvoerend orgaan dat voorstellen voor de Europese Commissie voorbereidt. Deze voorstellen worden of voorgelegd aan de Raad en Parlement om te worden vastgesteld of de voorstellen worden door de Commissie in het RIS-comité (Railway Interoperability and Safety Committee) gebracht om het als uitvoeringshandeling te bespreken met de Lidstaat vertegenwoordigers.
OTIF: Intergovernmental Organisation for International Carriage by Rail Een samenwerkingsverband tussen 50 landen uit Europa, Azië, Midden Oosten en Noord Afrika. Deze organisatie maakt ook regelgeving op basis van een verdrag (convention = COTIF). De landen van de Europese Unie worden vertegenwoordigd door de Europese Commissie.
Publicatieblad de "staatscourant" van Europa, met dagelijks de publicaties van nieuwe Europese regelgeving (L-nummers) en informatie (C-nummers).
CEN CEN CEN, the European Committee for Standardization, is an association that brings together the National Standardization Bodies of 33 European countries. CEN is one of three European Standardization Organizations (together with CENELEC and ETSI) that have been officially recognized by the European Union and by the European Free Trade Association (EFTA) as being responsible for developing and defining voluntary standards at European level. CEN provides a platform for the development of European Standards and other technical documents in relation to various kinds of products, materials, services and processes. 
CENELEC CENELEC is a Non Profit International Association, forming the officially recognised European Standards Organisations (ESOs) together with CEN, the European Committee for Standardization and ETSI, the European Telecommunications Standards Institute.
CENELEC acts as a platform for experts to develop European Standards (ENs), which facilitate world trade by removing barriers to trade, enhancing economic growth and leading to new markets.
ETSI ETSI, the European Telecommunications Standards Institute, produces globally-applicable standards for Information and Communications Technologies (ICT), including fixed, mobile, radio, converged, broadcast and Internet technologies. Our standards enable the technologies on which business and society rely. For example, our standards for GSM™, DECT™, Smart Cards and electronic signatures have helped to revolutionize modern life all over the world.
branche partijen
CER: The Community of European Railway and Infrastructure Companies The Voice of European Railways

CER’s role is to represent the interests of its members on the EU policy-making scene, in particular to support an improved business and regulatory environment for European railway operators and railway infrastructure companies.

UNIFE: European rail manufacturing industry UNIFE is representing the European rail manufacturing industry in Brussels since 1992. With 23 fulltime staff, the Association gathers over 80 of Europe’s leading large and SME rail supply companies active in the design, manufacture, maintenance and refurbishment of rail transport systems, subsystems and related equipment. UNIFE also brings together 15 national rail industry associations of European countries. UNIFE members have an 84% market share in Europe and supply 46% of the worldwide production of rail equipment and services. UNIFE advocates its members’ interests at both the European and International level—actively promoting EU rail equipment and standards within Europe and abroad.
ERFA: European Rail Freight Association ERFA represents new entrants, i.e. all those operators who want open access and fair market conditions, and sustains their role of pushing forward the development of the railway market.

The members of ERFA  represent the entire value chain of rail transportation: rail freight operators, wagon keepers, service providers, forwarders, passenger operators and national rail freight associations.

ERFA works towards a competitive and innovative single European railway market by promoting attractive, fair and transparent market conditions for all railway companies.

EIM: European Infrastructure Managers EIM is a Brussels-based, international, non-profit association which represents the common interests of independent European Rail Infrastructure Managers. The members of EIM are dedicated to improve railway infrastructure management and the service they provide to their customers.
This is fulfilled by promoting self-improvement through benchmarking and the exchange of best practice. The organisational structure of EIM is designed to provide the best platform for this reason.
RNE: Rail Net Europe RailNetEurope (RNE) is an association set up by a majority of European Rail Infrastructure Managers and Allocation Bodies to enable fast and easy access to European rail, as well as to increase the quality and efficiency of international rail traffic. Together, the current 35 members of RailNetEurope are harmonising conditions and procedures in the field of international rail infrastructure management for the benefit of the entire rail industry.
ERTMS Usergroup Project management in Europe for ERTMS implementation Railways deploying ERTMS, creating a safe, reliable and interoperable railway network in Europe
UIC: Union de Chemin de Fer UIC, the worldwide professional association representing the railway sector and promoting rail transport
UIC leads an innovative and dynamic sector, helping Members find continuing success and opportunities. Members are invited to take a proactive role in the UIC working groups and assemblies where the railways’ position on regional/worldwide issues is shaped.
UITP: Union International de Transport Public UITP is a non-profit international association. As a passionate champion of sustainable mobility, UITP is internationally recognised for its work in advancing the development of this critical policy agenda. UITP has a long history to its name, and is the only worldwide network to bring together the whole public transport sector and all sustainable transport modes.
UIP: Union of private wagons their website under construction
UIRR: International Union for Road-Rail Combined Transport Created in 1970, the International Union for Road-Rail Combined Transport (UIRR) is the industry association for the sector of Combined Transport in Brussels.  Its members are Combined Transport Operators and Combined Transport Terminals.

UIRR actively promotes Combined Transport, primarily towards European decision-makers and facilitates the enhancement of the sector, while also supporting the daily functioning of this ecologically and economically sustainable mode of long(er) distance freight transport.

EPF: European Passengers Federation The voice of public transport users in Europe

Welcome to the internet home of the European Passengers’ Federation. We are an association of passenger organisations and organisations promoting sustainable mobility committed to improving standards on public transport and long distance international rail services in Europe.By conducting research, publishing reports, holding conferences and working constructively with transport operators and decision makers, we campaign for more passenger rights throughout Europe.

EPTTOLA Membership of the Association is open to privately owned companies that supply passenger trains and traction equipment, on an operating lease basis, in countries within the European Economic Area, or in countries that are applying for membership to the European Union.
Notified Bodies Association (NB-Rail AISBL) The NB-Rail Association is an international non-profit organization of the notified bodies for interoperability in the railway sector. The association is installed to support and to complement the activities of NB-Rail coordination group with activities not mandated in the mentioned basics

The principal decision for founding an association was done in the plenary meeting of the coordination group no. 42 on 15/10/2014. After half a year of setting up the organization the first general assembly took place on 6/5/2015. On that first day of operation the new association is represented by 28 notified bodies who are deciding as full members on the next steps of the association.

Fed EC Rail FEDECRAIL seeks to: 

Promote the rescue, restoration and operation of Europe's railway heritage. 
Represent its members' interests vis-a-vis international agencies and, in particular, the European Commission in Brussels and the European Parliament in Strasbourg. 
Encourage the exchange of ideas across national and cultural boundaries and foster co-operation between museum and tourist railway organisations including museums involved in railway heritage. 
Help provide advice and assistance for such organisations. 
Study and resolve problems shared in restoring and operating heritage railways.

Independent Regulators Group-Rail (IRG-Rail) The overall aim of the Independent Regulators’ Group – Rail is to facilitate the creation of a single, competitive, efficient and sustainable internal railways market in Europe. The IRG-Rail acts as a platform for cooperation, information exchange and sharing of best practice between national railway regulators in order to face current and future regulatory challenges in railways and to promote a consistent application of the European regulatory framework.
ALE: Autonomous Train Drivers Unions of Europe The ALE is a European federation.

The ALE unites autonomous European trade unions and professional associations, which unionise locomotive drivers and other on-board staff.
ETF: European Transport Workers Federation The European Transport Workers’ Federation (ETF) is a new pan-European  trade union organisation which embraces transport trade unions from the European Union, the European Economic Area and Central  and Eastern European countries.

Railway trade unions in all European countries are facing the following developments in a different timing and to a different extent: Huge decrease in railway employment, job insecurity, outsourcing of activities, increase in work intensity, pressure on working conditions, demand for higher geographical flexibility and job flexibility.


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